wandern und entdecken im Gebiet Idrosee
Regelmäßig jede Woche im Juli und August organisieren wir geführte alpine Wanderungen und Touren in den Naturreservaten Parco dell'Adamello und Parco Alto Garda Bresciano in der Region nahe dem Idrosee. Dabei kannst du Berge bis fast 3000 Meter Seehöhe, einzigartige Flora und Fauna, Almen mit Kühen, Ziegen und Käsereien sowie italienische Kultur und Geschichte fernab von Touristenströmen erleben. Die Touren sind auch für Familien gut geeignet.Unsere Wanderführer aus der Region sprechen fließend Englisch und Italienisch.
Die gemäßigte touristische Infrastruktur und das saubere, klare Wasser machen den See zu einem idealen Ort zum Entspannen und Wohlfühlen. Im Hochsommer steigt die Wassertemperatur auf über 23°C.
escursionismo vicino Lago d'Idro
Ogni settimana organizziamo escursioni guidate in montagna nel Parco dell'Adamello e Parco Alto Garda Bresciano, le riserve naturali della regione vicino al Lago d'Idro. Potrete ammirare montagne fino a quasi 3000 metri sul livello del mare, flora e fauna uniche, malghe alpine. Sarai a contatto con la realtà rurale e sarà possibile sperimentare la mungitura delle capre e degustare il loro formaggio. Vivi avventure autentiche immerse nella natura e nella storia italiana lontana dalle folle di turisti. I tour sono adatti anche alle famiglie.L’adeguata infrastruttura turistica e l'acqua particolarmente pulita e limpida rendono il posto ideale per trascorrere una vacanza rilassante e piacevole. Ciononostante il lago è ritenuto un consiglio confidenziale. In estate la temperatura dell'acqua raggiunge i 23°C e più.
Wandelen aan het Idromeer
Regelmatig per week organiseren we begeleide alpine wandelingen en tochten in de natuurgebieden Parco dell'Adamello en Parco Alto Garda Bresciano in de regio bij het Idromeer. U kunt bergen ervaren tot bijna 3000 meter boven de zeespiegel, unieke flora en fauna, alpenweiden met koeien, melkgeiten en kaasproeverijen, evenals echte Italiaanse cultuur en geschiedenis, ver weg van de toeristische drukte. De rondleidingen zijn ook geschikt voor gezinnen.Onze regionale wandelgidsen spreken vloeiend Engels en Italiaans.
Ondanks toenemend toerisme is het water zeer schoon en helder. De watertemperatuur is in de zomer over 23°C. Naast het beoefenen van watersport is het gebied ook zeer geschikt voor de bergsport.
Hiking and exploring nature in the region Lake Idro
Regularly every week in July and August we organize guided alpine hikes and tours in the Parco dell'Adamello and Parco Alto Garda Bresciano nature reserves in the region near Lake Idro. You can experience mountains up to almost 3000 meters above sea level, unique flora and fauna, alpine pastures with cows, milking goats and cheese tasting as well as genuine Italian culture and history far from the tourist crowds. The tours are also suitable for families.Our regional hiking guides speak fluent English and Italian.
Despite a good infrastructure for tourism the water is clean and marvellously clear. In midsummer the water temperature remains above 23°C. Apart from water sports the area is excellently suited for various kinds of mountain sports.
Family |
landscape with meadows and hills, cheese tasting, herbology, botany, flowers (orchids), forest fruits (berries), italian culture and history animals (typical farm): milking goats, riding donkeys, pigs, ... optional: Mt. Manos (1517 m) depends on group level (↕ ~ 450 m) |
Wildlife | high alpine landscape, lakes (Laghi di Bruffione), cheese tasting, unique wildlife (flora & fauna), mushrooms, impressive views animals (eventually): marmot, capricorn, chamois, red deer, butterflies, roe deer, brown bear, eagle, bearded vulture, ptarmigan, stone grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, ... optional: Mt. Brealone (2268 m) depends on group level (↕ ~ 750 m) |

Transfer (one way):
20–40 min

These meeting points with the guide are on request only and require a confirmed booking:
→ GPS meeting point: Surfpoint Anfo
→ GPS meeting point: Santa Maria ad Undas (Pieve Vecchia)
→ GPS meeting point: Carabinieri Idro